Message from the Founder . Om Agathisaya Nama.
My sincere thanks to all of you for your generous & continuous support. Now, please spread this web site around the globe to as many devotees as possible to,
- Raise the awareness of Sri Agathiyar & Lopamamudra around the globe.
- Connect more devotees to this Temple to receive the blessings from Maha Rishi Sri Agathiyar & Lopamamudra.
- Receive more support and help for the upcoming construction especially financial support.
- Invite your friends and families to visit this beautiful place, temple, and near by other temples.
- The more you share, the more you receive the blessings from Maha Rishi Sri Agathiyar & Lopamamudra.
If you have any question and any one want to donate the money please contact me then I will give more information.
I look forward to hear from you as soon as possible and appreciate your acknowledgement. Thank you. |